Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Contact Me

For Business Inquiries Please contact:

pattyinwanderlust@gmail.com / 09162372884 (for immediate Response)

You can also find me on the following social media Platforms 

INSTAGRAM : fatimacasiao

TWITTER: msfatimacasiao

Facebook: Fatima Talia Casiao

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Welcome to Patty in Wanderlust! 

This Blog contains gathered experiences written into words. Purposely made to Guide people on their future ventures on Food, Travel and etc.

Hi! My name is Fatima Casiao, I was born and raised in the Beautiful Town of Manila Which is the capital city of the little country called Philippines. I'm 22 years old. Freedom for me would be doing the things I love to do all the time, everyday all day. I always said things like care of your mind, body and soul, for my Body I'll go workout , run, for my soul I'll have a cup of coffee or watch my favorite tv show or see someone I love and for my mind I read a book I've been wanting to get to. seeing the ocean is the most therapeutic thing for me, I can be myself anywhere as long as I'm surrounded by the right people. 

Want to get in touch? Visit my " Contact Me" page for more Information 

Thanks for taking your time checking out my blog and reading this right now! I hope you enjoy it. Be sure to check back again soon! :)

Love always, 

Patty ♥